Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Its nearly 2am right now.
These few days I'm just like an owl, and sooner will become a panda.

Countdown for the final exam, hmmm, less than a month.
Well, the suffering night will be coming to me very very soon.
Recall back to the past semester?
Ya, k notes until middle night while everyone is sleeping.

But now is the period for rushing assignments and presentations.
Tones of works that I haven't finish or even touch them.

I need to hand up my photojournalism essay tomorrow.
Wednesday is our BJ students' screening day and my photojournalism final project
Thursday is Comm Theories presentation.
Friday will be my English Oral Presentation
But what I've done now? Nothing at all.!!

I wish I could have 48hours in a day. Can I?

Sunday, November 20, 2011


Love is forever
Love is very patient and mercy;
Love is not jealous
love does not boast, impudent, not shy
not for their own benefit, not easy to anger, not of the evil
and does not like injustice,
just like the truth;
Everything inclusive, and they believe everything hope,
patience everything; love is true.

今天有些突发小状况 很不愉快 让我很难受
我不坚强 但我知道自己不可以软弱下来
无论发生什么事情我都要坚持下去 不被摧毁
我呐喊了 抱怨了 但心中那团火仍然扑灭不掉

是的 我真的很愤怒
更厌恶身边的朋友假惺惺与我为友 实际上在我背后不知捅了几刀
不喜欢 就不要有交情 ;没有交情 就不会有摩擦
对你我 不都是最好的方法吗?

我希望自己得到的是解脱 而不是发泄
但最终 我还是找到了答案

或许我不该执著 也不该去惦记那些人对我做了些什么
在这一方面 我觉得我需要加强自己的成熟度
对自己所做的事负责任 说出的话要有智慧

看到的 全是自己幼稚的行为 很可笑
直到那一刻 我才愕然醒悟

我需要学习宽恕他人 就算是曾经触犯过我的
面对什么事都好 都要凡事包容,

所以 最后 终究
我把自己的愤怒化解 把facebook的东西给删除了
虽然内心还是带有酸涩 不过我相信爱可以带走一切

至于我们能为对方做的 就只有祷告
就是无论在什么时候 我都有祷告的权柄

其实做人可以很简单 都是我们复杂化了它
学习爱人 学习宽恕 学习接受 学习改变
这一生还有很多事情是值得你去学习 而不是停留在原处
不要让自己脚步向前 但内心思想却在原地不动

放下自我 活出自己吧
我找到为自己未来旅程的动力了 你呢?

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


I don't know what's my feeling right now.
But I feel the sour and feel the pain inside the bottom of my heart.
Its torturing me especially in the middle night
I couldn't find anyone to release the stress of mine, no one else.
And what can I do in this moment, that is just only being emo.
I hate this kind of feeling, yet I need to be tonight.

Well, I know nothing's gonna beat me down.
Pain will go over after tonight, I'm alright.

Forgive my self-centered.
Forgive my attitude always throw the blame on others.
Forgive me being so selfish every times.

My fault, good night.

Monday, November 14, 2011

♥The 13th♥

*Ignore the dark circle*

Its 14.11.2011 right now
which means me and the boyfie has been together for 13weeks.
And 15th of Nov is our 3rd monthsary.

Well, time flies very fast!
Dear, everything changed but one thing will never ever change is my love to you.
I love you, muacks <3

Saturday, November 12, 2011

♥ You & Me ♥

It labeled as historical day because it will just happens once in hundred years.
Some people said it is a day for those singles to celebrate
But on the other hand, they might not think as this way.
They felt this day special, so couples made the day as their engagement.

Well, we don't get to go engagement but the boyfie did bring me out.
Yesterday was a tired day for me, let me tell you what I've did last night.
First, back home after the 1 hour class and I went to take short nap. 
Then, the boyfie came and  fetched me out
We intend to watch "You are the apple of my eyes", but too bad it was sold out.

So we decided to watch "immortals", the boyfie favourite!
Zues with his sons and daughter fight with the Titans. Great action show!

After movie, we headed to Queensbay of the Tea Secret grand opening.
Then, followed the boyfie to church for his coming Sunday Praise and Worship practice.
After that, we straight away off to Caleb's house.

Today, 12.11.11
Our youths *genxtra went to youth park for hiking.
And now I only realised that I am old, and not like others stamina.
We stopped at level 3.
Photo was taken while waiting the rest of them come down.
Boyfie's blur camera.
With the clear one.

Tonight we will having dinner and movie in our church.
Now should take nap to charge myself, so kay la readers, i wanna sleep d.
Stay tuned for the next post!

Thursday, November 10, 2011


中午窝心体贴怕我饿着 带我去吃午餐

不过很快的  雨过天晴 又会叫我宝贝
不会太大男人 会放下男人的面子 对我撒娇
小孩子气 但有时候做起事来却很成熟理性
常常做一些我不喜欢的事情 之后扮出一幅无辜的样子

还有好多好多 他 真的很惹人爱

虽然他给我的 不是什么奢华富贵的生活
就只有单纯 简单的幸福
这是我一直以来 追求的



凌晨 我还在这里
哈罗 最棒的避风港 我又来了

是的 此刻的我 激不起劲来
人生啊 果然就是起起伏伏 跌跌撞撞

所以 现在的我 更懂得要怎么去让自己的世界
更加精彩 更加充实华丽
而不是把自己定格在框框里 走不出来



Sunday, November 6, 2011


<3 means heart.
But in math it means less than three.
So relationship are only between 2 people.
It is You & Me.


♥Great Saturday♥

I had made my blog a new look and new background music.
This is because I know the old one had been putting for long time and I don't even have enough time to design it. *Blame for the laziness.
I've removed the header and won't be putting it before I found the satisfied header of my new photo.
New month comes with new looks :)
Wave to the November!

Alright, I'm just came back from butterworth.
First we went for the genxtra prayer meeting at Perai, and then moved on to Raja Uda.
At the first was me and the boyfie planned to go Raja Uda for TomYam, but ended up youths from our church were followed as well.
Around 20 people i think, quite a number huh?

Seriously, I think I've had addicted on the TomYam, because I can even waited for 1 and half hour.
Crazy! But it is really nice! Worth to wait

Boyfie and the parents will go to KL tomorrow in the early morning.
Can't get to see him until Monday :'( Miss him badly
Tomorrow I gonna be alone to church, and driving myself. :(

I really really really miss him now although he just went away from me few mintes ago!
This is so-called-love sick, right?

Big girl should learn independent and not always rely on other!

Well, its late night now, it's time off to bed!
Good night world!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Don't be shock, he is my love boyfie!
Yesterday we had a poster photoshoot for our coming up drama performance.
This is just one of the styles of the boyfie, clubbing boy.
Me, cute reporter!
I have no idea why should I wear like this, but I love this styling anyway!
Me and the boyfie!
My second style, it is a clubbing girl character, but not the main one.
Well, I'll be having sexy dance with the boyfie although we are not good dancer.
Still, we will do our best during performance!
Me with Ewelyn
She will acts as a rich woman in the drama, with two beggars.

There are actually 7 stories in the performance.
All of us are awesome and best actor/actress, stay tuned for our great show okay?
Can't wait for the poster!!

Bye readers!