Sunday, July 29, 2012

❤ 29072012 ❤

Oh my dear lord.
You knew everything of me, and you allowed it to happened.
But lord, I couldn't stand for all it now.
Please remove it, please.

I am weak, really weak.
Not only in mentally and also physically.
Time becomes near and nearer, the tension in me becomes stronger.
I know I can't do anything except study, study and study.

But all the words can't stay inside my brain.
There are many things bothering me, I am tired.
Could you please remove all things in my mind, Lord?
I need you, I really really do need you by this urge time.

Less than 72 hours, and it's gonna be my big day.
Yet, I didn't done anything of them.
Final countdown.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

❤ Suffering night 28/07 ❤

Look at the photo, guess that I am going to crazy soon.
No joking, stress everywhere.

While everyone is busying to study but me and my group were busying for our news.
The very last assignment in college life, yea, broadcast performance.
It took us quite a long time to prepare as we have to go and cover news and then editing, record voice over and the last procedure was LIVE news record.
This assignment show us how does the news report goes on which we watch in TV.

And, because of this assignment, I've became a panda.
Don't even have proper sleep for 2 days cause of editing video.
But thank God everything ran well, and I think the most contributed to the group are belongs to Joey.
She has put a lot of effort in doing all these.
Thanks babe, you did a great job.!
Anyway, it's a great experience with 2 juniors.
Keep it up on your last semester :)

I ain't a multitask person, that's why I couldn't handle two things at the same time.
Notes has becoming the scarification.
It just left few days to final exam and I still haven't touch any of my notes.
The great thing is there will be two papers in a days.
Right, I am starting to worry about my final exam.

Please no sleepy when I want to start study.
I have not enough time already.
God bless.

Monday, July 23, 2012

❤ Speech-less❤

Everything almost comes to the end.
There are still have few to follow up.
Covering news, VO recording, studio recording.
And external issues that I am facing right now.
The most tough thingy is the finals.

Well, it is seriously tired to the max.

Sometimes I wonder am I doing right things?
Why there are no one to appreciate me or even the things.

Stop thinking anymore Celyn Teoh.
Life still goes on even you are refusing to walk.
What to do? Just move on then.

Tough night with da babe tomorrow.!
I believe I can, yes I can!

Monday, July 16, 2012

❤ Tough ❤

Big head me.

Tough days is coming now.
Which means my final exam is around the corner, i mean it is really final's final exam.
Everyone is busy with their documentary editing, presentation and so on.

And me, I don't know why it seems like I am most free among them.
It is not I have nothing to do...
I have, and just I don't know what should do and what to put on first.

Confused mind.
I already took out my notes and ready to study all of 'em.
But once I saw it, I feel lazy again. damn it!

After list out one by one, and I just realised that I have lots of assignments haven't get done.
1# international politics essay
2# short international politics presentation 
3# news report voice over
4# news report editing
5# studio record news report
6# english final exam
7# 2 news shooting
8# 2 courses revision.

How dare am I?!
Left 1 weeks more to final.
Can I get them all done by this week?

God bless me.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

❤ 乱 ❤


眼看快要毕业了 对于未来还是一点头绪也没有
很认真地思考 好久好久

其实 我的未来 到底是什么?



所以我坚持 无论如何都要在这一行闯一闯

但是关键时刻到了 我是说 接近了
3年的时间才发现 我对于新闻记者是毫无兴趣
也说明 15千 换来一句 “我没兴趣”

我懂 那是很不负责任的话
但也明白 若强求做不喜欢的事情一辈子




Thursday, July 5, 2012

❤ 角度·不同 ❤

自懂事以来 我们就知道 

这一副画 你看到的 是什么?
它 到底是 YES 还是 NO?

很多事情其实都没有绝对的YES or NO

因为 这可能对他的角度而言
不过看在你眼里却是什么都没有 大错特错


试着用不一样的角度去感受 去看待周遭

你觉得错的 外人可能觉得没什么问题 很Okay
你觉得对的 外人可能觉得很糟糕 行不通 很不Okay
但 是对是错 又有谁可以来判断?

在这个世界 没有所谓的对或错

小小分享 :)