Felt like I've had neglected my bloggie for almost a month and ya, I feel bad.
So now I would like to blog 3 in ONE post.
And, it is about MY BIRTHDAY! :)
The first birthDay.
It was 6.10.2011--my birthday eve!
Boyfie brought me to Gurney.
We had dinner at Winter Warmers.
After that we went for a movie.

The Sorcerer and the White Snake.
Oh-my-God, I freakin' love this movie!
Although it's illogical and kind of dramatic, well, Im just loving the story.
I even cried for few parts but the boyfie was like wood, he told me has no feeling.
I thought he gonna celebrate my birthday like this way, but the surprise was came after that.
His friend Caleb, so-called-my-didi texted him and invited us to go Straits Quay.
I was quite disappointed as my boyfie never did a surprise birthday for me.
He didn't know about this because I was blaming inside my heart.
So we had a long walk to the playground, and finally we arrive the destination that Caleb mentioned.
Guess what I saw?
From far I saw a cake with candling, then his friends were appeared.

The cake that boyfie prepared for me.
With Hello Kitty and Daniel.
I never thought he will do such thingy for me, cause he always being wood in front of me.
So when these happened, I was quite shocked and .... touched.
It is hardly to believe that my woodie boyfie did a surprise for me.
I had my special birthday eve with his friends and it was memorable.
He told me he knew I wanted to have surprise birthday, but he don't know how to do to make it surprise.
So this is his limitation, but he promised me will do better for my next year birthday.
I am appreciated for what he had done for me, although it was not so perfect.
Thank you dear, thanks for given me your first tried, ILY.
The second birthDay
Couldn't celebrate my 9teen birthday with my family because I went for part time job at Family expo, PISA.
Yea, with the boyfie and 3 babes.
I thought *yea, thought again* my 9teen birthday just gonna pass through like this.
Quite pitiful cause have to work during birthday.
Same duty place with the boyfie, and he was accompanied me all the day.
Owh, finally finished work.
I requested boyfie to hugged me back to car, hah!
Guess what happened again?
I heard a familiar sound from my back and shouted loudly with "Happy Birthday"
Turned my head back, is my babe Liz with Joden and Wkang.
They even brought me a cake.

*Ignore my face because I was too tired from the work*
What a surprise birthday?
I was wonder how could they knew where we park?
And finally the boyfie told me that my babe contacted him few days ago and requested him to collaborated with 'em.
And she has texted with the boyfie.
I never knew the boyfie can be a good actor, he acted knowing nothing for whole day.
But behind the screne was planning with my babe.
Yet, they asked me to bite the candle. *know what happened right?*
The photos are under P&C.
So my 2nd birthDay passed like this way.
Thank you the babe and buddy made this surprise birthday for me.
Heart you all so much! :)
The third birthDay.
It just happened 2 days ago.
Had a bit of disappointed cause the boyfie suddenly told me maybe he couldn't attend to the steamboat gathering.
I admit that I was freakin' down at that moment.
But after while he texted me and said he skip his guitar class and coming to my house.
Once I got up to his car and on the way to fetch his brother, Samuel
He told me that it was planned by my babes, but ya... its a failed surprised
Still, it succeed to made me down like hell.
So the rest pictures will do the talk. :)
The cake prepared by my wild's babes!
Thank you babes, the creammy cake taste so nice :)
Love the babes so so much! :)
From left : Sasa, Momo, Me, Min min, Jojo
The Birdie Couple :)
Jason and sok
The other pair of birdie couple :)
Joden and Liz
The new buddy group
From left : Joden, Liz, Me, Ryu, Wkang
The long lost babe, Gwynne!
3 of us like didn't meet for a long time, and finally we met!
Last but not forgetting the love boyfie!
There is someone who missing in the picture, that is Samuel.
Felt so bad :(
After our steamboat, we went Gurney for movie, except the wild babes.
The Cat, a korea horror movie!
Me and the boyfie were like closed eyes from the begining until the end, hah!
That was how I celebrated my 9teen birthday.
This coming Sunday will be the other celebration from my beloved family.
Thank you for everythin' that you all had done for me.
I am appreciate it and sincere love you all so so much
Won't forget the surprises which made by you all, it is memorable and unforgetable
Thank you boyfie, thank you babes and buddies, and Facebook wishes.
Gonna shout loud...
I'm officially 9teen now!!!
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