Somehow my boyfriend looks damn handsome in the first picture.!
Yesterday went to 2 old folks house with the youths and after that went off Queensbay with bunch of them.
Yet, with the clothes on "Spread his word, we are army of God"
Watched the movie of "Petaling Street Warriors"
Erm, not-really-nice but not-too-worse.!
Considered not bad la, quite a funny movie.
Tomorrow is the day, but I'm not even prepare well.
Guess what? I haven't touch half of 'em.
Thought today can do revise earlier but blame the stupid menstrual comes on this freak'in 'kan jiong' moment.
I've wasted my whole afternoon.
F'cking pain made me rolled from bed to floor and back to bed again.!
I even called to my boyfie and cried on phone, it was damn pain
The sweet boyfie came my house after his dinner with his family.
I thought he was just joking with me because he still need to attend his secondary school gathering, but end up he really did come to me.
After he left, its time for me to do the last fight on comm theo.
It is seriously fed everyone up cause of the essay grade.
Almost 80% of students got F, wtf?! How about me?
And I dropped off lots of the tips, cause it is toooooo much!!
Hmmm, no time for crap d, going to start now.
Tune off, bye my readers.
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