Hello people, I'm here again, weeeeeee.!!
Friday night, it supposed is time off to bed but we received a call from our senior-Him Keat
So yeah, change cloth and prepare go out to have our very first night life in KL.
We went to Station One in Pudu, 9 people, so huge right?
Me and Ryu :)
No idea why I love this photo so much
Game that we played on that night.

Portrait photo.
We were there until midnight 1o'clock only back to our hostel.
Second day - Saturday, which is yesterday
8 of us decided to go shopping mall since it was weekends and we dont need to work.
And yesterday was my second time took rapid, it was so excited.
Me and Min :)
Finally we arrived Time Square.!!!
Seriously, I love shopping mall in KL rather than in Penang
**Short cut make it to the point**
We went to 2 shopping malls, Time Square and Sungei Wang.
I am fall in love into Sungei Wang, so so so many cloths can be found there.
But it is so sad we have limited budget or else I might shop the whole mall.
The inconvenience thing for me in KL is we dont have transport.
So we have to walk for very very long to take bus then turn monorail then walk.
Well, it is quite exhausted, and I never walked so far in Penang
Can join Marathon this year already.
See what I've bought last night?
One piece of dress, belt and pant
and skin care from Natural Republic.
Whole day cost me RM135
Well, I announce I am officially broke
So today I have to cut down my budget and only take meal in hostel.
Cup noodle and butter cookies.
I miss mom's food, i wanna back home. :'(
By the way, today is our 5th monthsary.
Sadly we couldn't celebrate it and also the Valentine.
Bii, I miss you so much right now
Wait for me alright? I Love You
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