Monday, December 16, 2013

Lil update

Oh, it's like finally I changed my lappie!
Tbh, I don't really wanna change as I get used to my DELL lappie and almost everything inside there.
But, the problems caused me very inconvenient, so I've made up this decision.
I hope I won't regret after purchased Asus.

This lappie has inspired like mac book, and it's in white!
Someone said it looks elegant, yeah!

 Just realized I don't have time to update my BKK trip's post.
All photo still pending, don't have time to edit as last week I just completed my secondary holiday camp.
It was awesome than the first generation that we organized!
Life value fixed!

This week gonna be my hectic week, primary camp and kindy camp is around the corner.
I need time, give me 36 hours per day, can?

Hopefully time pass faster, so that I can enjoy my second vacation in this year!
26th of Dec, please come to me....

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Bangkok trip

Hey guys, I'm sorry for being neglected my blog for so long.
If you followed my instagram then you might know that I've been to Bangkok last week.
Loads of picha still waiting to edit, as you know #girlbeinggirl , we just can't stop snapping photo around
plus it was the first time we visited there, so forgive our vainess la yah.
I'll try my best to complete my BKK post by this week, kk?

Too much negative thingy happened recently
 Lord, please give me strength to walk through it, I need you.

Stay tuned for the coming post ya. :)